Hi everyone,
So I know I'm a big liar, and I really haven't been on here as much as I promised I would be. My fiance and I have a photography hobby on the side, which recently turned into a part time business! I know, excuses, excuses, but sadly that has meant my research has taken a bit of a backseat for a few weeks.
So I apologize to all who have left comments and haven't heard back for awhile! I'm trying to catch up again. I am now to the point where public records are getting a little too recent, and I'm depending heavily now on the contacts I've made to fill in the missing generations from about 1930 on.
If you have left comments on this blog, or are connected to this branch of the family in any way - PLEASE EMAIL ME! GMcRobie@gmail.comI have over 300 pages and 750 descendants on John William's line alone. This does include transcribed records. I'm going to start editing it down to the bare basic information soon and put it up for proofreading very soon. If anyone would like to be involved in this process, your help would be much appreciated!
Thanks to all that have helped thus far. This is just the beginning of a very long journey down history.
I'm also searching for pictures! Please contact me if you have any!!